the fourth gate ne demek?

Maalik ibn Ans (r.a.) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said: “When the believer reaches the fourth heaven (the fourth gate), an angel will call out: ‘Stop, what you have brought?’ and the believer will reply: ‘I have brought the best I could, oh Angel. I have brought good deeds.’ Then the angel will say: ‘You have worked hard.’ Then a door opens and a voice calls out: ‘Welcome, and may Allah bless you!’”

The fourth gate in Islamic tradition refers to the entrance to the fourth heaven. It is said to be guarded by an angel who questions the believer about the good deeds they have performed in their life. If the believer has lived a righteous life, they are welcomed into the fourth heaven and blessed by Allah. This tradition highlights the importance of performing good deeds and living a pious life in Islam.